Omnicomm to consult members of Mexican National Association of Companies for Tracking and Protection of Vehicles

Omnicomm organized a presentation at the meeting of National Association of Companies for Tracking and Protection of Vehicles (ANERPV – Associacion Nacional de las Empresas de Rastreo y Proteccion de Vehicules) in Mexico, on June 10. As a result of the event, agreement on full technical and educational support from Omnicomm for members of the Association was reached.

The presentation attended by more than 20 members from 15 companies took place in Maria Isabel Sheraton Hotel in Mexico City. Elena Denisenko, Omnicomm Senior Business Development Manager was giving a speech with presentation about different mechanisms used to monitor fuel and unveiled Omnicomm technology which provides precise results for Omnicomm fuel level sensors.

The presentation “How to effectively control fuel with the highest precision by Omnicomm Technology” covered such issues as advantages of LLS fuel level sensors, specifics of collaboration with Omnicomm and some successful cases with well-known international companies.

The organizations which were first skeptic about integrating fuel monitoring solutions in their systems, showed interest in precise technologies developed and manufactured by Omnicomm. There is high demand for such equipment in Mexico and no appropriated solutions available. The presentation generated discussions. The main interest expressed by the most was to find out what certification the equipment has and some more technical questions about the functionality of LLS sensor.

The objectives of the general meeting organized by the National Association were to present new technologies and show high-tech products available for advancing in fuel monitoring. ANERPV has been in the market for over 17 years, protecting rights and promoting interests of the companies operating fleets. Due to the latest initiative by the Association, the member companies will now have full official support from Omnicomm Training and Omnicomm Technical teams.

June 17, 2014